
A goal without a date is just a dreamA dream with a date becomes a goal Write it down! 07.04.2022 Appropriately, this also coincides with

I’m A Failure
I have failed many times. In a way I’m glad of that. If I had succeeded, I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing now. Instead

The Blind Men And The Elephant
A parable from India that has been adapted by many religions and published in various stories for adults and children. There were once six blind

The Early Bird Catches The Worm
FOMO. Do you know what this acronym stands for? It stands for Fear Of Missing Out. Marketing companies know this human trait so it’s on

Compete With The Man In The Mirror
The problem with comparing yourself with someone at the top of their game is they will seem so far ahead that you will have already

Just Do It
Yes, stolen from the Nike slogan but it’s a good one. Planning is essential and we need to consider the consequences that could arise from

Fate Or Choice?
Are we fated and our lives have been set up for us just like the stars in the sky or are we masters of our

Be An Extremist
The word extremist has received a lot of negative press in recent years. The image of a bomb strapped, gun-totting terrorist worshipping an idealist agenda

The Tortoise And The Hare
I loved reading Aesop’s fables as a child. Most of them taught about morals which is why they were read to children. I read them