Wearing a face mask is now part of life for many of us. But having a mask on for many hours is uncomfortable: a sweaty face, “maskne” (acne due to bacteria in the mask) and the trapped smells of food and drink.

Our “Awaken” organic Mask Spray keeps your face mask smelling sweet and fresh, and lifts your mood with its special blend of essential oils.

With our mask spray, wearing your mask is a treat for your senses, so you can stay safe and also comfortable as we all do our part to overcome the pandemic.



SKU: BCMASKS45 Category:


How to use:

Spray 2–3 times on the inside of your mask. Wait a few seconds before wearing it.

The fragrance and aromatherapy effects are long lasting. Spray again when needed.


Carrier oil: jojoba*

Essential Oil: lavender*, bergamot*, peppermint*, sweet orange*, lemon*